Ouran Bear Toy

Ouran Bear Toy

8月 14th, 2009 by kelvin

Recently we found this very cute ouran bear toy with the despicable face. -_-|||

So I take some photos, with my computer.O(∩_∩)O~

ouran bear toy

Soooooooooo cute ~~~ o(>﹏<)o

You also can get him here:

Bear Plush Toy from Ouran High School Host Club


He's soooo CUTE! XD I really want to buy this bear! Does he have a name? Cause I've never heard them say it in the anime...^_^
CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
He's soooo CUTE! XD I really want to buy this bear! Does he have a name? Cause I've never heard them say it in the anime...^_^

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