희망사항을 말씀해 주세요

만약 원하시는 코스튬 등을 찾으실 수 없다면 저희에게 제안 제출 부탁드립니다. 어떤 상품을 원하시는 지 말씀만 해주세요!


2024-09-02 00:07
hello, I need the shoes in that picture.
Is it possible to make it?

CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com) 09-04 10:43

Hello, we need to discuss about the shoes design, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammates help you directly.  n_n
2022-08-05 10:48
I am thinking of purchasing shoes and costumes for this character. However, I would appreciate it if you could sell the props

CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com) 08-07 20:50

Hello, sorry, the pictures isn't workable.  please submit ticket (with more details) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n
2022-08-05 10:47
I am thinking of purchasing shoes and costumes for this character. However, I would appreciate it if you could sell the props

CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com) 08-07 20:51

Hello, sorry, the pictures isn't workable.  please submit ticket (with more details) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n

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