Magical Hair Tails

Magical Hair Tails

9月 23rd, 2009 by kelvin

A lot of anime characters has tails, different style and different color.

So we try to find a new way to supply our wig for these characters. A wig not only just one style, it  must have great changeability that you can use it to cosplay more characters.

Except the base wig style, what else we can do?

Let’s see the magical hair tails.

This is a very normal wig styles, blonde and with a little spike in the bottom, it can for Rin inVocaloid Cosplay, or Tamaki Cosplay

What about with a short wavy tails,

Hmmmm, very girly. Maybe a little shy.

Let’s Change for a longer tails,

>_<  So sweet~~~~~.

Ok, what about a much longer one,

:O,  it’s some kinds of cool ..

… let’s see another style of these tails. 😀

A princess  =v=

=v= A sexy onesan~~ (women)

~~~~~ Now it feels very elegant 😀

Just one base wig and one tials, we can make a sweet, sexy, cuty, cool, elegant,princess,cool …… or more than these. These tails have clips, you can clip them on wherever you want. XDDDD

We will offer these highly adjustable wigs in the near future, with black, brown, pink blonde and other  colors .

Now You can emailing to for a pre-order. XD


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